Innovation Days Q&A

Who can participate?


How much does it cost?

Nothing. The participation is for free. You only have to register first.

Where can I register?

Even if you participate with your university course, please register first. Here you can register:

What should I bring along?

A lot of openess to have fun, creativity, and everything else you need to be creative. Your laptop and presentation material can help you with that.

How about the overall language during the Innovation Days?

It is very likely that some presentations and speeches will be in German as well at the Innovation Days. For sure you can pitch your ideas in English. If something is unclear, or if you have questions or problems with registration, do not hesitate to ask the Innovation Days Team or send an e-mail to [email protected].

Do I need an idea before the event?

You do not have to, but you can! If you do not have an idea beforehand, join a team. Or you pitch your idea on the first day and afterwards create a team that works on your idea

Do I need a team beforehand?

No. Create the teams on the first day of the event. The teams have to be multidisciplinary, that means, mix up with people with different backgrounds (economics, design, IT, ...). Due to the color of the name tags you will recognize the participant's knowledge background.

How will the ideas be evaluated?

A jury, consisting of the company partners and representatives of partners and mentors will evalute the ideas. Evaluation criteria will be innovativeness, solution to the defined problem, concept development and realization potential.

Does my idea has to fit exactly to the problem statement forumateld by the company partner, or does it just have to fit into one of the categories?

The ideas just need to fit into the of the categories, but if you find a solution for the defined problem statement, you will probably gain more attraction from the corporate partner and the likelihood to win is higher as well.

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